Well I never!Cat Mother has decided to use this profile (like, ours!) to test Google +. She got bitten a bit with Buzz which she really liked using but over time more and more of "her friends and family" profile got exposed and she became unsure in the end what information was being shared and what wasn't and in terms of her ego, she's really quite private. She deleted everything and from there saw the benefit of alter profiles which she is happy to share enabling her to keep herself very much to herself.It would seem, on the other hand that we are to be fodder for all and sundry as she tries out this new social media network.I'm not saying nothin' yet. Molly and I are waiting patiently to see where this takes us. No need to bother Bongo as yet. Not sure he'd understand it anyway and we don't want to confuse him anymore than he is already bless 'im.However if we start getting bogus and spurious approaches we might have to review this so be warned.In the meantime we like to be open and embracing of change and improvements and the well respected social media homosapien who forwarded this invite is enough in itself for Cat Mother to give it a try. Ultimately we're with Cat Mother so let's get plus-ing!
This is a quick post to get me to the next one.In a word, Bongo went missing on June 9th and was found by a neighbour after cat mother got her finger out and put posters up locally.Parallel to the high street is a back alley where all the shops and restaurants open their back doors in the summer and when he was lost and found the first time in December 2009 he was being fed by the bakers and the knitting shop and it took them a month to reign him in and shop him to the rspca who took him to a vet, got his chip and pin read, and then phoned cat mother to get him rescued. It was long and heart breaking and I'm pleased to report that since then Cat Mother has grown a lot, well, not so much in girth (she's lost 3 stone in 2 years and run a marathon etc.) but this third time she kept it quiet...really focused on the 2 of us, Bingo and Molly, you know? The cats she had in the present...really proud of her we were...and felt extra loved and that. It's important being a cat and having to share cuddle time between 3 when the time Cat Mother is about is limited.She'd remark on how less time consuming it was with just us...we're not demanding, Molly and Me and we're a bit more understanding of Cat Mother's time. Not finding fault with Bongo or anything. Fact is, food bills go up when he's around, more noise pollution, thudding (Molly and me together weigh about the same as Bongo) and it really is like the Cat of the House is back.Love 'im though and we wouldn't be without him.Cats Protection has advised we're to keep him in for a week and Cat Mother is mulling this as he does seem to like being caged, looked after, protected. Course she let's him out morning and evenings and always when she is at home but always with a harness and if outside on a long leash.It may be prudent to keep the cage up for a while even when he is permitted more freedom as he seems to regard it as his home, his place and Molly and I don't interfere with that so when things go mad outside which is what we think happened this time (builders bashing outside door) he has his place to go and won't cross the bus route and then get disoriented. Molly and I tend to be a bit more streetwise and Bongo definitley requires that little bit more extra care. Bless...