After the destitution left in the wake of Bongo's 3rd visit to cat hospital, I could never have believed that cat mother could be turned around so quickly and it is joyous! It wants to be shouted from the rafters!

After taking the 2nd cat box to work yesterday on the set of trolleys wheels, braving the most packed train and tubes and getting in the way of everyone, going from sweating and being boiling hot to freezing cold and shivering; cat mother finally turned up at cat hospital just after 19:00 and collected belov-ed Bongo. The two people on duty were lovely and the bill was duly paid. A towel was borrowed to shelter Bongo from the noise and harsh realities of nightime Brighton.

Cat mother dutifully met neice and had coffee with her outside a cafe whilst they chatted, clinging on to the front of Bongo's cage so that he could rub against her and purr whenever he wanted. They made it home by 21:00 ish and all the bandage equipment came out.

In the end she opted for a quarter flannel between the wound and his arm/body and then put a body sock on him to lock down the faulty arm. She then laid him out on the sofa, cream fleece blanket, Molly and I watching over him. It was extremely touching! He could clean himself, he was purring and he was beautiful.

Cat mother busied herself with preparing his cage and his food and then went to sleep on the sofa having realised that keeping Bongo in a body sock is going to be a little more challenging than at 1st appreciated! The strategy is going to have to be about associating life in the body sock with the good life, life outside the cage and realistically this will only happen when she is around whereas she had previously thought that the bandage could stay on when she is absent.
The thing is, after looking at his stitching, it's the best set of stitching yet and if this had been done the first time round we may not be in situation we are in now where we are changing vets. The new path has been set however and there is no changing course...

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