Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Bongo's wound

It's granulating. It was the size of a large Cheshire cat it's the size of a penny, 6 months and 3 (procedures) operations later

Bit dark but u can just see it under his front left forearm

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Even cats need shade

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Day 11 (singin') Re-United and it Feels So Good

Magnificat Bongo

2010-06-21 Summer Solstice

Cat mother got the text message from upstairs neighbour Adam on her way to the airport in Tenereif at around 17:30 on Day 10.

The message said briefly that Bongo had turned up on their balcony. Adam went down to the flat and called him from there. Bongo climbed in through the cat flap at which point Adam blocked the cat flap so he couldn't get out. Phew!

Cat mother arrived home 1st on Day 11 having slept over night at MMS in London. She had been to the dentist, had a filling and still managed to get the early train home. She notified Pets to the Vets in case they wanted to bring us home earlier but we got home at 13:00 as had been previously arranged.

Well...the only way cat mother can describe it is that Bongo is craven and probably gone ferral! There was no wet food in the house. He looks darker somehow. Still big but when she picks him up he is half the size. He was extremely thirsty and ate his biscuits, craving hugs and head strokes more than anything. He stretched and writhed on the cat blankets and sang his way round the flat. He isn't allowed out at the moment and he's not best pleased with this. Grounded I think is the phrase cat mother used! Worse! He went for Molly and though cat mother loves him there is just no way any cat can attack her little girl so he's back in the cage.

Typically cat mother is out on a social and she let Bongo out for about 20 minutes before she left. Molly and I rushed to cuddle round him and offer friendship. He's unsure, I think, more of Molly than me.

Clearly a week is a long time in cat world. Cat mother can't believe she's got to get him acclimatised...again...

Anyway...he's back in the cage now. Not sure about the sleeping arrangements...let's c


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Sunday, June 13, 2010

Day 3 - deputy alpha male steps up

Parting shots - Bingo and Molly

There is no disputing that when Bongo is around he is alpha male supremo and it takes a while to get used to that.

He takes up the most room. He's the biggest. He's the one whose been eating too many pies. I'm sure without even
meaning to he gets the most prominent position next to cat mama or wherever and there's no getting away from it....I may be perfect...Molly may be pretty....Bongo is magnificent!

Bongo the Magnificent

Cat mama is always saying we eat her out of house and home but our metabolisms work and together, Molly and I probably weigh less than Bongo! We're just petite is all... sweet and petite and whilst I know cat mother loves us as we are and wudn't change us for the world, she also loves her silver birch boy, Bongo. She loves cuddling him, chatting to him and being in his company and we're probably alot more independant when he's around.

Without him... well it's a bit like being lost's like big bruv has deserted us...which is silly really...he's just one of those who gets crowded out sometimes...he goes away...(gulp)...and comes back again (joy!)...He likes to live it ruf (non comprendez) sometimes and get away from cat mother's constant pandering to our every need (why?)...of course when she is here and away from work...and back from being on the social...

Brothers Bingo and Bongo

Cat mother is wretched. I've started pee-ing again to assert my authority. I think it's all done now...she's cleaned alot up... bless...

Molly and I...well we've slipped right back into our 2some routine...there isn't really
much in it...we're together always now looking out for each other...not having the complications of having to choose. It's all good. We wait in hope... In the mean time life goes on and cat mother has to do more work on detachment!

The way we were

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Day 3 - Bongo is missing again

Cat mother is distraught. We all we go our seperated ways for a little while, here's the story cat mother gave to Lost Cat's Brighton and the RSPCA Brighton this morning on the train to far away places.

"Hello there

For the 2nd time Bongo has gone missing and as of today 2010-06-13 it's been 60 hours.

Bongo is not the most streetwise and we've only had him back for 6 months since the last time he went missing and was handed in to RSPCA Brighton. I reckon what did it was the immense downpour we had on Thursday night. Any major changes like that and it just seems to throw him.

He was last seen at home, junction of Boundary Road and New Church Road, Hove, East Sussex at 22:30 on Thursday 3010-06-10.

Bongo is 3 and a half and for a Siamese cat is actually quiet heavy weighing in at 7 kilos. Bongo is traditional seal point, chocolate and vanilla and he sports a small open wound under his front left paw which is about the size of a penny, down from the length of a large Cheshire cat smile: a wound inflicted by trapping his front left paw under the collar and getting lost for 6 months. He was found in December 2009 and after extensive surgery, we have finally got him almost fighting fit. That was until Thursday...

Bongo is frightened by nature and rarely goes to humans and loves his food. He can eat until he makes himself sick. The last time he was captured it took a month of friendly feeding to lure him into a shop along Boundary Road where he was grabbed and shopped to the RSPCA in Brighton.

Please help me find him. We are all in a state of shock. It takes it out of u. Sniff...

Pictures to follow


(Rosemary Laurence aka Cat Mother/mama)"

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Confounded Cat!

Darn it!

And so there I was, lying in bed, snoozing to the sound of the BBC World Service when I became aware of another sound in the room that slowly filled me with fear as I realised the popping sound was becoming more frequent and that this obviously (faster now) meant that a cat, a naughty Bingo more than likely!, had peed over another favourite object of his, the 4 pin adapter, onto which my iPhone was plugged! Now I may sleep in a loft bed which r not the easiest things to get down from, but I challenge anybody to find a person who can get out of a loft bed and down those steps to rescue that iPhone and 4 pin socket quicker than I did last night! Sho I went to get the cleaning materials, the only cat in site was my dark chocolate and vanilla with cinnamon, honey pie, lying on the green furry gillet, on the sofa, cool as a cucumber, looking like butter wudn't melt in his mouth.

What r u gonna do?

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Monday, June 7, 2010

The all new cat Sun lounger

Cat mama thinks about us all the time

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Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Nick names

Silver Birch Boy

This bank holiday week-end was splendid on account of us having cat mama all to ourselves. Weather wasn't too bad either and altho she did go out for the odd walk or 2, other than that she was all ours.....purrrrr...

This got her to thinking about our AKA names.

Bongo's has changed because phsychologically cat mother doesn't think it's helping the cause for Bongo to be referred to as fat boy or porker. So his new name is now "silver birch boy". Cat mother loves birch trees whispering and rustling in the wind, the more silver they are the better and everytime she looks at Bongo that's what she is often reminded of. Oh and BTW? Bongo has the best tummy apparently.

Silver Birch Boy

Molly was the last one to have an AKA name and it is now "the snow queen" on account of her fir being largely so soft and so white with those big blue eyes and in there somewhere is the fact that she refuses to be held for more than 30 seconds flat without wiggling and worming her way out of loving hands even though it is guarenteed to set her off purring like a motor.

The Snow Queen

And my nick name is "perfect boy" on account of my looks. Plain and simple. I am the puuurrrrfect Siamese cat. Don't matter how naughty I am, cat mother just has to look at my chocolate and vanilla covering and all is forgiven....and boy do I play on that!

The Perfect Boy

The Snow Queen and Perfect Boy

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