And so there I was, lying in bed, snoozing to the sound of the BBC World Service when I became aware of another sound in the room that slowly filled me with fear as I realised the popping sound was becoming more frequent and that this obviously (faster now) meant that a cat, a naughty Bingo more than likely!, had peed over another favourite object of his, the 4 pin adapter, onto which my iPhone was plugged! Now I may sleep in a loft bed which r not the easiest things to get down from, but I challenge anybody to find a person who can get out of a loft bed and down those steps to rescue that iPhone and 4 pin socket quicker than I did last night! Sho nuf...as I went to get the cleaning materials, the only cat in site was my dark chocolate and vanilla with cinnamon, honey pie, lying on the green furry gillet, on the sofa, cool as a cucumber, looking like butter wudn't melt in his mouth.
What r u gonna do?
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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