This bank holiday week-end was splendid on account of us having cat mama all to ourselves. Weather wasn't too bad either and altho she did go out for the odd walk or 2, other than that she was all ours.....purrrrr...
This got her to thinking about our AKA names.
Bongo's has changed because phsychologically cat mother doesn't think it's helping the cause for Bongo to be referred to as fat boy or porker. So his new name is now "silver birch boy". Cat mother loves birch trees whispering and rustling in the wind, the more silver they are the better and everytime she looks at Bongo that's what she is often reminded of. Oh and BTW? Bongo has the best tummy apparently.
Silver Birch Boy

Molly was the last one to have an AKA name and it is now "the snow queen" on account of her fir being largely so soft and so white with those big blue eyes and in there somewhere is the fact that she refuses to be held for more than 30 seconds flat without wiggling and worming her way out of loving hands even though it is guarenteed to set her off purring like a motor.
The Snow Queen

And my nick name is "perfect boy" on account of my looks. Plain and simple. I am the puuurrrrfect Siamese cat. Don't matter how naughty I am, cat mother just has to look at my chocolate and vanilla covering and all is forgiven....and boy do I play on that!
The Perfect Boy

The Snow Queen and Perfect Boy

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