There is no disputing that when Bongo is around he is alpha male supremo and it takes a while to get used to that.
He takes up the most room. He's the biggest. He's the one whose been eating too many pies. I'm sure without even
meaning to he gets the most prominent position next to cat mama or wherever and there's no getting away from it....I may be perfect...Molly may be pretty....Bongo is magnificent!
Bongo the Magnificent

Cat mama is always saying we eat her out of house and home but our metabolisms work and together, Molly and I probably weigh less than Bongo! We're just petite is all... sweet and petite and whilst I know cat mother loves us as we are and wudn't change us for the world, she also loves her silver birch boy, Bongo. She loves cuddling him, chatting to him and being in his company and we're probably alot more independant when he's around.

Without him... well it's a bit like being lost really...it's like big bruv has deserted us...which is silly really...he's just one of those who gets crowded out sometimes...he goes away...(gulp)...and comes back again (joy!)...He likes to live it ruf (non comprendez) sometimes and get away from cat mother's constant pandering to our every need (why?)...of course when she is here and away from work...and back from being on the social...
Brothers Bingo and Bongo

Cat mother is wretched. I've started pee-ing again to assert my authority. I think it's all done now...she's cleaned alot up... bless...
Molly and I...well we've slipped right back into our 2some routine...there isn't really
much in it...we're together always now looking out for each other...not having the complications of having to choose. It's all good. We wait in hope... In the mean time life goes on and cat mother has to do more work on detachment!
The way we were

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